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John Hancock OK acceptance admission advance advancement advancing adventuresome adventuresomeness adventurous adventurousness affirmance affirmation aggression aggressive aggressiveness allowance ambitious ambitiousness ameliorate amend antecede approbation approval authentication authorization begin blast away blast off career certification charter come along come before come first come on commence confirmation consent countersignature course cover ground develop dispensation dive in drive drive on driving dynamic dynamism endorsement enterprise enterprising enterprisingness fall to force forceful forcefulness forge ahead forward forward motion forwarding front furtherance furthering gain gain ground gather head gather way get ahead get along get to get-up-and-get get-up-and-go getup go go ahead of go all out go along go before go fast go forward go in advance go on go-getting go-to-itiveness graduate green light grow better gumption have priority head head into head the table head up headway hustle hustling imprimatur improve initiative jump off kick off lead lead off leave liberty license look up make good time make head against make headway make progress make progress against make strides make things hum make up leeway march meliorate mend move move forward moving nod notarization okay oncoming ongoing onward onward course outrank pass along pass on passage patent perk up permission permission to enter pick up pitch in plunge into precede press on proceed proceeding progress progressing progression progressive progressiveness promotion push pushful pushfulness pushiness pushing pushingness pushy rank rate ratification release roll rolling rolling on rubber stamp sanction scramble seal send off set about set in set out set sail set to shape up shoot ahead show improvement sigil signature signet skyrocket special permission spirit spunk stamp stamp of approval stand first start start in start off start out stem step forward step lively subscription take off take precedence the nod ticket ticket of admission travel turn to up-and-coming up-and-comingness usher in validation venturesome venturesomeness venturous venturousness visa vise vouchsafement waiver warrant way


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